Latitude VMI

How VMI Works
VMI eliminates salesperson mistakes by using easy-to-scan, specially generated barcode labels on the products at the customer locations. The sales person scans the barcodes of the products that need to be reordered, enters the quantities, and confirms the order all on the mobile device.
The Order can be reviewed on the mobile device, quantities and items can be changed, before the order is transmitted back to the Latitude WMS system for processing.
The Order Uploads into the Host system and is picked and set aside for delivery or for the Salesperson to Deliver and put away.

Red- L Distributors Prints Custom labels with item code, Item Description and images Customer item codes may also be present on the labels along with min/max
Example of Label:

VMI is highly customizable, so exact processes can vary depending on the business practices at your warehouse and at your customer sites VMI, offers vast improvements in replenishment order efficiency, customer satisfaction, and error elimination.